StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
19 April 2018
A domestic water leak caused underground subsidence. This was not identified until a team member walked on the area and the ground gave way beneath his weight and he fell a short distance into the hole twisting his back and knee.
26 March 2018
During a routine office inspection, we identified some of the fire extinguishers were past their five-year life cycle and either needed to be pressure tested or replaced.
22 March 2018
Workers isolated a conveyor using an emergency stop button. The button was wired incorrectly and the conveyor moved. The conveyor should have been isolated at the motor isolater.
22 March 2018
Vehicle recall sent out, which prompted company wide alert for the hazard of both company and personal vehicles parking on dry land in Summer.
22 March 2018
Scheduled maintenance was taking place on the sluice chamber. Despite the switch mechanism indicating that the circuit was isolated, it was found to still be live after testing was done. Another good reminder to always 'prove test prove'.
26 January 2018
On Friday, 26 January 2018, one of the Genesis team was involved in an accident.
13 December 2017
A ball valve had been removed and replaced from an acid dosing system.
1 October 2017
A gear bag fell to the ground while being lowered from a wind tower by the tower crane.
26 September 2017
A large metal sign attached to the crane railing fell from the crane hitting the floor. This fall was approximately 12 metres.
22 September 2017
During recent works at Te Apiti Wind Farm, hydraulic hoses associated with the yaw brakes were to be changed out for new items.