StayLive recognises the value in sharing and learning. Members share health and safety performance data, monitor progress, and identify and respond to emerging trends.
StayLive uses the traditional lagging indicator Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR). This is a capture of all medical treatment, restricted work and lost time injuries reported per 200,000 hours. Whilst lagging indicators are a reflection of previous performance, it is important to acknowledge previous performance, especially where we have not achieved zero harm and someone was hurt at work.
Contracted incidents are included in the data to reflect health and safety performance of all workers on member sites. Contractors include both those working on sites controlled by members and those working on the field on behalf of the members (e.g. meter readers, gas bottle deliverers, solar panel installers). There are challenges in achieving accurate person-hour data, but members have committed to strive for ongioing improvement.