Working groups have been formed to develop solutions to industry-wide health and safety issues. The working groups in progress are noted below. Once a working group has completed their task the outcomes from the group are published as guidelines.
A set of guidelines has been produced identifying issues that organisations should consider when preparing their own Emergency Response plans. These are generic guidelines rather than a prescriptive set of rules. The working group will continue to monitor and update the guidelines on a regular basis or following a major event. The guidelines are available on the StayLive website.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been developed by the working group that describes how member companies support each other in the case of an emergency affect one or more member companies putting aside any competitive behaviour in so doing. The MoU has been signed by all of the StayLive member companies including 'Associate Members'. Signed copies are held by the StayLive Emergency Response Group convenor, Peter Litchfield. Please refer to the 'links to further information' below for a copy of the MoU.
At the last working group meeting in April the group decided to continue to meet but on a quarterly basis. The rationale for this being the changing dynamic of emergency response. There are several items which are in a state of 'flux' at the moment and may impact the ability on how and the way in which companies respond to and manage significant events. The groups view was that a watching brief should be kept on these topics and should we as an industry group need to respond or change it's far better to operate as a collective rather than individually. The next meeting is planned for August when, amongst other things, Meridian will provide feedback on a review currently underway following the recent Christchurch terror attacks.
Chair: Peter Litchfield (Manawa Energy)
Team: Gareth Dodds (Genesis Energy), Lyall Duffus (Mercury), Bede Shortall (Transpower), Trish Allen (Meridian), Louise MacBeth (Contact Energy), Dougal Forlong (Transpower), Tas Scott (Mitton Electronet), Baden Davies (Genesis Energy) & Gary Crook (Mercury)
Understand how we work with the lifeline utility groups to determine our industry's response during a significant event requiring a multi-party response
Develop and maintain key relationships required for emergency response situations.
Create a portfolio of likely emergency situations, best-practice responses and available resources from within the industry. If gaps are identified, they will be assessed and added to the scope as necessary.
Work towards developing a consistent response section (right-hand side) of the risk bowtie.