StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
7 May 2020
Contractors undertaking diving operations accessed a pontoon on the lake without wearing floatation devices.
7 May 2020
After cutting some steel on a penstock using a Hitachi battery grinder, the grinder, spare battery and accessories were packed back into a tool bag, in the back of a ute.
23 April 2020
Two contractors were involved in a near miss when a recently decommissioned oil separator tipped over while removing waste oil from the unit.
23 April 2020
Damage to a concrete encased live cable conduit during rock breaker activity.
20 April 2020
Incorrect positioning by sitting on platform of screen cleaner at Aratiatia. Screen cleaner was manually operated at the time and traversed to the left, resulting in leg becoming trapped between railing and platform. Lower leg was crushed and broken.
7 April 2020
Release from pressurised hydraulic line due to faulty isolation valve.
17 March 2020
Securing access to critical information through use of locks, passwords and physical barriers.
17 March 2020
Having information about the hazard and means to control the risk of exposure to hand is critical to managing health risks associated with hazardous substances. A great initiative is shared.
17 March 2020
Ensuring instructions for the use of rental equipment have been provided before allowing such equipment to site is critical to ensuring safety of our workers.
17 March 2020
Ensure the area surrounding hot work is clear of hazards.