StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
29 March 2021
As part of 3M Fall Protection's on-going commitment to delivering high quality safety equipment, we are notifying our customers that after a review of our various literature, we have identified errors on what rope types can be used with these rope grabs.
1 March 2021
An injury was sustained when completing a common lathe parting off process.
23 February 2021
Safety Alert regarding a recent event when a tailgate came loose from a trailer leaving Benmore Power Station and landed on the road.
12 February 2021
A Near Miss was identified when a technician identified a Lad Saf fall arrest device that didn't close.
9 February 2021
Contractors were tasked to clear a strainer for debris, during this process they noticed the leakage rate had increased.
7 December 2020
Hexavalent Chromium has been found in the hot gas pass of Gas Turbines. This is an extremely hazardous substance that causes cancer and damages the respiratory system.
21 October 2020
During a site shut two separate work parties were working on opposite ends of the brine outlet pipe and this caused the 10 tonne piping to slowly tilt to the left and lean on another pipe. No asset damage or injury.
14 September 2020
Tool bag dropped from height onto another worker due to the carabiner coming unclipped.
14 September 2020
These incidents were not on the same day. Both involved slipping on steep terrain in wet conditions.
14 September 2020
Truck rolled 50 metres down hill after chocks were removed.