StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
1 October 2016
Driving along the Waipori Falls Gorge Road (approx 35-45kmph). A red Mazda Ute came flying around the corner and seemed unaware the TPW vehicle was even there.
31 August 2016
The Wind Team has had a challenging few months on the vehicle damage front. Three site vehicles have sustained panel damage, all on the left side of the vehicle.
22 August 2016
A contractor was working from a man bucket relocating the high voltage overhead lines. Tools for the job were being held in a steel tool tray attached to the outside of the man bucket.
5 August 2016
A worker was preparing to work from an EWP. While checking his fall arrest harness and lanyard he discovered the karabiner was difficult to operate.
18 July 2016
Staff member was incinerating waste cardboard. Flask of flame came up through the folded cardboard box as staff member was pushing the box into the incinerator bin.
14 July 2016
A contractor was in the process of attaching a new cable to an existing cable tray section in the Manapouri Communications Room.
6 July 2016
A contractor was grinding steel in the immediate vicinity of a full bottle of methylated spirits and a rubbish bin containing paper and rags.
1 July 2016
A contractor was working from a man bucket removing the dropper cables connecting the overhead lines down to the main unit transformer below.
23 May 2016
There was a recent incident at one of our wind farms where a technician slipped while climbing the entrance steps to a turbine. At the time he was carrying a heavy bag of tooling by himself, weighing 52kg over his shoulder.
9 May 2016
Steel place arrived from supplier with incorrect lifting eyes fitted introducing risk of a dropped object incident.