StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
30 November 2023
Additional scaffolding had been put in place to improve access to and from the site, helping people to avoid slippery/uneven terrain.
30 November 2023
Loss of supply to 1200 consumers resulted when the switchboard earth was inadvertently closed into a live 11kV busbar, during planned outage works.
31 October 2023
Lifting into a Wind Turbine procedure 2 - Communications.
31 October 2023
Lifting procedures for lifting into a Wind Turbine.
31 August 2023
Due to a rotten scaffold plank and kick board not installed level, a spanner has fallen through a hole after being kicked backwards accidentally during maintenance work.
21 August 2023
Defect work to service the Fire System Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) and Pressure Regulating Valves (sometimes also referred to as PRV) which required removing the valves from service.
21 August 2023
During pre collar drilling operation a 42 inch conductor pipe became unsupported and fell 3 to 4 meters into a cavern created when sandy formation disappears into a loss zone at +50m depth.
21 August 2023
A refurbished head gate failed a test at a hydro power station during recommissioning.
21 August 2023
Scaffold not tied down during high wind loading causing scaffold to collapse.
21 August 2023
A historical upgrade to the hydraulic governor system at a hydro power station introduced a vulnerability whereby the wicket gates could not close in the event of a low oil level trip.