StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
14 September 2018
Whilst removing hot food from a microwave that was placed on top of a fridge the dish tipped and resulted in burns to the persons face.
5 September 2018
When grinding, the grinder caught the back of a woven backed glove resulting in cut to hand.
28 August 2018
During work at a hydro site, an access hole had been left open while guiding a headcover into the turbine pit. A contractor noticed that a cardboard sheet had become dislodged from an above stator cooler and fallen over the access hole.
22 August 2018
Stop-log pressure equalising valve (PEV) hydraulic pump failed causing unit to rupture.
16 August 2018
A couple of incidents around the use of trailers have prompted us to create a Shared Learning.
15 August 2018
During planned maintenance on a met mast at a wind farm, a file separated from its handle and fell 25 meters to the ground.
15 August 2018
We had two incidents involving hubs on our turbines. This highlights the importance of completing the necessary checks to ensure the equipment is not damaged and injury is prevented.
10 August 2018
When following a vehicle and using adaptive cruise control in the Mistubishi Outlander, the front camera will adjust your speed to the speed of the vehicle in front of you...
12 July 2018
We have had two recent events where tools have become loose and fallen from moving vehicles.
12 July 2018
A Turbine bearing was being lifted when the lever hoist disengaged causing the bearing to drop.