StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
8 December 2021
Unauthorised change of plan resulted in digger cutting 400V lines.
14 September 2021
Improvement opportunity shared to avoid fire extinguishers being removed from other work areas when needed for hot work tasks.
1 September 2021
Failure of a lifting device attached to a cable.
1 September 2021
Swift lift pin was underrated and failed during the lift.
25 August 2021
Personal gas detector alarmed when it detected 30 ppm H2S.
27 July 2021
Unregulated CBD oil has resulted in non negative drug tests.
27 July 2021
When going to prepare work area and check isolations for the removal of Unit 3 headgate, water was observed to be leaking out of the side of the headgate at over 6ft up.
27 July 2021
Unauthorised Removal of Isolations
27 July 2021
Worker experienced pain in both shoulders after completing manual tasks for a long period of time without a rest or task rotation.
7 July 2021
A vehicle turned in front of oncoming traffic which was obscured through sun strike.