StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.
2 July 2021
During a routine transport task, a 113kg Sub has come adrift and fallen off the right-hand side of a trailer whilst travelling approximately 85kph.
9 June 2021
A 49t excavator traversed under a 11kV overhead powerline coming into close proximity to the line causing an Arc Flash.
8 June 2021
A worker slipped down a steep bank whilst undertaking vegetation works and sustained a serious laceration to his face.
8 June 2021
Dropped D shackle bounced out of elevated work platform basket and dropped approximately 8 metres.
8 June 2021
A utility vehicle driver was required to brake suddenly at a pedestrian crossing, when the brakes failed on the vehicle he was driving.
8 June 2021
During a routine site inspection it was discovered that an emergency shower had been used for the washing of equipment and left in a unusable condition.
8 June 2021
Monorail failed after unauthorised modification.
8 June 2021
Whilst undertaking transmission line sagging work, a hydraulic ram railed and injured a worker.
8 June 2021
Whilst undertaking transmission tower refurbishment work, a Tower Painter fell from height.
8 June 2021
During an electrical hazardous area inspection the inspector received a minor electric shock.