Shared Learnings

StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.

Yaw Brake Hydraulic Hose Failure

Date of Incident: 22 September 2017

During recent works at Te Apiti Wind Farm, hydraulic hoses associated with the yaw brakes were to be changed out for new items.

The system pressure was drained and isolations were made in accordance with the associated approved written procedure. The old hoses were removed and replaced with new ones that were specifically made for the turbine by a hydraulic hose manufacturer in Auckland. The remaining work on the system was performed and the hoses were re-filled with new oil. A brief visual check was made of the work, ready for re-commissioning.

The isolations were removed and checked off prior to re-energising the system. The pump was run to raise the pressure to the working amount. At this point, while inspecting for leaks, an un-crimped fitting burst, releasing 140 bar of pressurised oil.

After the incident, all stock of hoses held on site were checked and a further two were found to be un-crimped.

Original Safety Alert

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