Shared Learnings

StayLive actively promotes the sharing of information as soon as possible after near miss or actual safety incidents to inform members about hazards arising out of their operations.

Minor Vehicle Accidents

Date of Alert: June & August 2016

The Wind Team has had a challenging few months on the vehicle damage front. Three site vehicles have sustained panel damage, all on the left side of the vehicle.

  • One collided with a metal gate post at low speed in a car park during a visit to a commercial site.
  • Another occurred while travelling home, where a corner was taken wide with the vehicle losing control momentarily and contacting a road sign which damaged the left panels of the vehicle.
  • Finally, another incident occurred in a shop car park where a small car park bollard was struck by the left side of the vehicle.
While the impact in each of these cases occurred at low speeds, the panel damage was significant and costly to repair. None of these incidents involved other vehicles.

Original Safety Alert

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