Working Groups

Working groups have been formed to develop solutions to industry-wide health and safety issues. The working groups in progress are noted below. Once a working group has completed their task the outcomes from the group are published as guidelines.

WCP Competency Frequently Asked Questions

StayLive Work Control Procedures - you may have some questions, like...

Why do we need a new competency solution?

StayLive member companies are working together to build competency and foster a healthy approach around how we do things in our industry - like how we apply work control procedures (WCPs).

New WCPs are part of the master plan to drive material and sustainable improvement in health, safety and wellbeing through collaboration. Existing training / competency solutions vary greatly across industry and need attention – they’re inconsistent, not fit-for-purpose and present a number of logistical challenges around classroom-based courses and contractors required to do multiple trainings.

Who's designing it and where have you started?

Using information and direction that came out of a review we did a couple of years ago, the WCP working group have collaborated with learning experts on the first eLearning module which is intended as the foundation course – once complete, the learner will have a great general understanding of how we use WCPs in our industry and be ready to be a work party member and general work supervisor.

So does this mean if I’m not actually required to be a work authority or permit recipient or issuer, I can stop recertifying my WAC and PHC certifications?

Yes! This fills an existing gap for those not required to be recipients. It’s a really good intro to the WCPs in general.

For anyone maintaining WA or Permit Recipient certifications purely to maintain general competency but not required to a be recipient of WAs or permits, these certifications will be adequate.

  1. StayLive Work Party Member – for staff and contractors required to work on or around a generation site within the WCPs.
  2. StayLive General Work Supervisor – for staff and contractors required to supervise general work on a generation site.

What’s the course format?

We’ve created an experiential eLearning course with a mix of activities and scenarios to introduce you to everything WCP. Once complete, you’ll have a really good general understanding of how, when and why we use which procedures on our generation sites.

Who will require module 1?

The module 1 eLearning course is for all personnel required to work unsupervised on a generation site. If you are required to be responsible for general work as a general work supervisor, you’ll also need to get a StayLive General Work Supervisor Attestation completed by your employer.

What does module 1 cover?

  • An introduction to the Safety Manual for the Electricity Industry (SM-EI), the StayLive Work Control Procedures (WCPs) and why we use them.
  • What General Work is, what it isn’t and selection to support use of the correct work control for the task.
  • The different responsibilities of Work Party Members and the Supervisor.
  • The use of Recipient Applied Safety Measures (RASMs) for General Work.
  • How RASMs differ from Issuer Applied Safety Measures (IASMs) and why IASMs are not used for General Work.

Are there any prerequisites to this training?

The focus of the course is general work and being a work party member. There are no formal prerequisites however there are other competencies required for generation site access that complement this module. For example, Workplace Hazard / Risk Management.

How do I access it?

  • eLearning – via member company learning management system (LMS)
  • StayLive General Work Attestationdownload from StayLive website & submit to member company

Once I've done it, do I need to repeat it? Is there a recertification requirement?

Yes. Similarly to the existing WA Recipient and Permit Recipient certifications, you’ll be required to recertify on a 2 yearly basis via the VoC (validation of competency) process.

What’s VoC mean?

Validation of competency aka VoC takes development of capability through exposure on the job into consideration. It’s a process of recertification that may not require a full refresher if the individual has been practicing the skills that make up the certification.

What if I've been carrying out these roles for years, do I still need to go through the new training / sign off?

Yes, think of it as a reset! We know that there’s gaps in the existing training and the WCPs have recently been reviewed and updated, so this first eLearning module will either confirm what you already know or fill in any gaps. It’s been designed in a way that if you’re already really experienced, you’ll whizz through it without needing to review feedback.

I’m a planner and don’t actually carry out the work, do I still need it?

Yes, we recommend that planners also maintain the StayLive Work Party Member certification.

How will it be recorded?

Each member company will record the StayLive competencies in their internal learning management system (LMS) and those using the StayLive Competency Tool (SCT) will push the result to the industry competency tool.

What happens when I go to another site? Will they have my competency record?

If the company who hosted the course for you online is unable to register the result with the StayLive competency tool, you can ask them for proof of competency and present this to the new site, where they will transfer and update your record in their system.

Which companies will require these two new certifications? And when will they become mandatory?

The following StayLive member companies work under the StayLive WCPs and will require these certifications for work on generations sites from 1 Dec 2024.

  • Genesis Energy
  • Mercury 
  • Meridian Energy
  • Manawa Energy
  • Nova Energy
  • Pioneer Energy

After 1 Dec 2024, what happens if I don’t have the new certification?

From 1 Dec 2024, individual dispensations for StayLive Work Party Member and StayLive General Work Supervisor will be required at site manager's discretion to be able to work on site without the appropriate WCP certification.

Can I expect new recipient training soon too?

The next module for development is StayLive Work Authority Recipient, closely followed by StayLive Permit Recipient. We expect to deliver these within the next 12 months.

The format for each of these will include an eLearning + practical component.

Who do I contact if I have any other questions or concerns?

Please email the StayLive WCP or reach out to your member company WCP group member:

Genesis – Steve Leppien, Gerry Versteeg

Mercury Kiel Adlam

Meridian – Matt Rogers

Manawa Energy – John Hind

Nova Energy – David Feaver

Pioneer Energy Darren Hart 

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