In recognition of service and contribution to industry, Life Memberships are awarded to members who have made a significant contribution to the work of the EEA.

2022 Award Recipients 

Graeme Johnson

The EEA is thrilled to be awarding Graeme with an EEA Life Membership in recognition of his over 27-year contribution and commitment to the Safety Manual – Electricity Industry (SM-EI), and safety improvement in the electricity supply industry.  Read more

Russell Watson

The EEA is delighted to be awarding Russell with an EEA Life Membership in recognition of his contribution to industry engineering and technical standards.  Read more

Life Membership Recipients Bio Notes

The Bio Notes of recent Life Membership recipients are available below. The Award was not presented in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2018.

2022 Graeme Johnson - Read more

Russell Watson - Read more
Marshall Clarke - Read more

2017 Bob Simpson - Read more

Tas Scott - Read more
2016 Rodger Griffiths - Read more

2015 Stephen Hirsch - Read more

2014 Peter Browne - Read more

Frank Lewis - Read more
2012 Richard Gibbons - Read more

Wayne Spittal - Read more
2008 Murray Jackson

2007 Brian McGlinchy - Read more

Bryan Leyland - Read more
2006 Kevin Mackey - Read more

Jim Pearce - Read more
2003 Bill Allen - Read more


Keith McLeod David Griffith-Jones Tom Leong
Lance Hogan
Malcolm Walker Stanley Anstice
David Binns
Denis Dowling Michael Gray
Murray Macphee
Geoffrey McDermid Bruce Priest
Owen Stephens
Bill Allen - 2003 Kevin Mackey - 2006
Jim Pearce - 2006
Bryan Leyland - 2007 Brian McGlinchy - 2007
Murray Jackson - 2008
Wayne Spittal - 2012 Richard Gibbons - 2012
Peter Browne - 2014 Frank Lewis - 2014 Stephen Hirsch - 2015
Rodger Griffiths - 2016 Tas Scott - 2017 Bob Simpson - 2017
Marshall Clarke - 2019 Graeme Johnson - 2022 Russell Watson - 2022
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