Demand response services provide an opportunity for consumers and flexibility providers/aggregators (e.g. retailers) to play a significant role in the operation of the distribution network by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. 

With more distributed energy resources (DER) anticipated in the electricity market, there will be increasing opportunities to develop new, flexible, demand-based services in Aotearoa.

The Government is actively supporting the move to demand response services by promoting and encouraging greater consumer participation and easy access.

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA) has approached the Electricity Engineers' Association (EEA) to coordinate and facilitate an industry-wide project on the feasibility of a demand response service for electric vehicles (EVs). The expected outcome is a technical industry standard and protocol (referred to as the guide) that enables interoperability between distribution companies and flexibility providers/aggregators across the sector.

The project will focus on developing demand response capability for EVs because of their potential to impact peak loading on distribution networks if left unregulated. In time, the guide will be applicable to other forms of demand response assets.

A trial, involving two electricity distribution businesses, two flexibility providers, and an EV charger supplier will underpin the project. The EEA will share the outcomes of the trial across the industry, develop the guide and inform Government on whether regulation is required.

Ensuring Aotearoa can continue to make effective progress towards achieving the 2050 zero carbon target requires the collaboration of industry and regulators. The EEA seeks industry support to advance the project. EECA has agreed to fund 40% of the project and we encourage industry to contribute the balance.

Your business has the opportunity, through the EEA, to participate in learning about and setting the standards and protocols for this important activity.

We invite you (and/or your appropriate General Manager or technical specialists) to join us in working collaboratively to develop an industry-led guide that will enable interoperability between distribution companies and flexibility providers across the sector.

If you require further information on the project or would like to be involved in the project, please contact the EEA on

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